
As Executive Director, Rebecca leads AmazeWorks in working with schools, communities, and organizations to create equity and belonging for all through the lens of Anti-Bias Education. She provides anti-bias and equity training and consultation and has co-authored the AmazeWorks  Elementary and Secondary Curriculums.  With an MEd from DePaul University and 15 years of middle school teaching experience, she has worked on equity, inclusion, and justice at various educational and organizational levels. She regularly presents at conferences like Overcoming Racism and NAEYC. She holds an Executive Leadership certificate from the University of St. Thomas, has taught equity-based pedagogy at the University of Minnesota, and is a board member of Upstream Arts. Rebecca is also a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).

Why do you feel you would make a valuable addition to the MCN board?

I am excited to bring an important anti-bias, anti-racist equity lens to the MCN board of directors, developed through my professional Anti-Bias Education and belonging work at AmazeWorks and my personal experience as a transracial Korean American adoptee, raising a teenage daughter and a queer, transgender non-binary young adult who has alopecia areata. Having worked within the education system, government agencies, for-profit, and nonprofit organizations, I see and understand the complexities of the institutional and structural barriers that keep nonprofits from truly living their missions and creating community, belonging, and positive change for the communities they serve.

For more information about AmazeWorks, visit: