Step 1: Call for nominations.
MCN's 23-member board is comprised 14 individuals from MCN nonprofit member organizations and 9 individuals who are not required to represent MCN member nonprofits. Nominations for this year's board elections will open in April.
Step 2: Announcing the slate.
MCN announces the slate of finalists and opens a petitioning process in September. According to MCN's bylaws, the MCN board nominating committee must develop a slate that is one and a half times the number of available openings. In addition, MCN's bylaws state that any individual representing an MCN nonprofit member may be added to the slate by submitting a petition with the signatures of at least five percent of MCN's nonprofit members.
Step 3: Member vote.
Voting will open to ALL nonprofit members via email in October with online voting remaining open for two weeks.
Step 4: Announcing the new board.
The new member-representative board members will be announced in January of the next year.