

Rachel Rockwell PharmD, MPH is the Managing Director & Pharmacist in Charge at RoundtableRx, the Minnesota Medication Repository Program. RoundtableRx provides affordable medication to Minnesotans state-wide. Dr. Rockwell is passionate about public health and environmental stewardship, which have been the driving forces of her career. After obtaining her PharmD from the University of Minnesota Duluth, Dr. Rockwell practiced as a community pharmacist on Minneapolis’s Northside for over 5 years. During that time, she witnessed countless patients rationing life-sustaining medications or forgoing them completely due to cost. In an effort to address this medication access issue, Dr. Rockwell began volunteering with RoundtableRx in June 2020 and was hired into her current role in March 2022. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time outdoors.

Why do you feel you would make a valuable addition to the MCN board?

I believe I would be a good addition to the MCN board given my experience as a healthcare professional servicing under-resourced communities for the entirety of my career. This includes rural communities during my training to become a pharmacist, and urban communities during my first years of practice. In my current role as the director of a small nonprofit, I have the privilege of providing services for Minnesotans throughout the state.

Furthermore, as the director of a small and relatively new nonprofit organization, we have benefited greatly from the resources, events, and services provided by MCN. As a Board member, I would take my fiduciary and governing responsibilities seriously to ensure that others like me will continue to benefit from MCN for years to come.

For more information about RoundtableRx, visit: https://www.roundtablerx.org/.