
Rebecca Graves is the Executive Director of the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council and currently resides in Duluth, Minnesota. Rebecca is an enrolled tribal citizen of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. Rebecca has a Master’s degree in Tribal Administration and Governance with an undergraduate degree from Bemidji State University in business with an emphasis in Finance. 

Rebecca has been involved in nonprofit work since 2012 for various organizations as both a board member and Executive Director. Nonprofit work is rewarding work, I want to help in all capacities to help our underserved and underprivileged communities.

Why do you feel you would make a valuable addition to the MCN board?

I feel every board needs to have voices from all communities to have a board that truly represents not only communities but also heritage. My voice is different from those currently seated. I am an enrolled tribal citizen of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. I worked for 20+ years for tribal government in all different roles. I have been in the nonprofit world since I left tribal government. My voice is that of a Native American woman who has lived on a reservation and now currently lives in Duluth, Minnesota. My experiences, education, expertise, and knowledge will add to the board.

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